Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dek and Elliot Go for a Ride (**Video Fixed!**)

One one of the last lovely fall days, Dek and cousin Elliot went to Clemyjontri park and enjoyed some good playground time. Here are the boys driving.

This is a really awesome playground; for those with little ones who may be interested. Here is more info about it here:

Basically, its rubberized with various areas for toddler up to through big kid play. The neat thing is its intended for "any child" - including those who may have physical limitations or disabilities. Highly recommended and I wish I was smaller so I was allowed to run around there too.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

You make bath time lots of fun, I'm awfully fond of you.

I had to carefully scan these photos to ensure they were safe for public consuption. Ta da: Dek in his ducky tub. It was quite confusing that past 6 months he wasn't going to continue to recline and bathe as he did the first 6 months of life. We got this duck of a tub to go to Cali and he still uses it occasionally to bathe in. Mostly he just showers with Dad.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

One Year Old!




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Here is Dek on his actual birthday (November 4!). Both Mike and I took the day off to hang out with him. We just bummed around took him to get his photos and then to a rock show where Mike played the Harvest Moon Festival (much delayed from September). More photos to come on his birthday jubilee weekend.

Our little man has grown so much these 12 months. At times we didn't know how we would survive some of those sleepless nights, but here we are wondering how it went so fast. I'm also happy to report that I made it pumping a whole year of work (it was very tough at times, but totally worth it). Due to his milk allergy, we will be nursing for a bit longer. Otherwise, he's a healthy and happy dare-I-say it toddler (sniff, sniff - bye bye babydom). He's become quiet mischievous. Recent hijinks include attempts to swallow marbles, guitar picks and outlet covers even. He  loves food and eating until he's stuffed and throws up.  Just the other day we were at dim sum and we gave him his own "bao" - total mistake as it was rebated to us moments later after he stuff himself with it.  His favorite foods are chicken and rice puffs. We've tricked him into eating lots of pureed spinach and kale - I wonder how long this will last.

First year stats (as of Nov 7 at his 12-month visit)
Height 21 lbs 3 oz (30 percentile)
Weight 30 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference 18 3/4 inches (90th percentile!)

All that and 7 teeth!  The doctor is happy with his weight gain, growth and level of activity. He isn't walking yet, but has mastered crawling at lightning speed and can climb almost anything. He didn't crawl until almost 9 months, so we expect walking may be a bit later. Dek is a super climber though and if you leave him for a moment he'll be on the living room table trying to turn the stereo up. We're really seeing his personality more too; he's turning into such a jokester. He's going through this new shriek/screech phase when he gets really excited. He's also fascinated by water bottles, pots (likes to cook like dad) and enjoys throwing laundry. His potty skills are progressing well too. We started some infant potty training around 10 months (more in a different post) and can convince him to poo in the pot with some regularity.

More photos of his birthday jubilee to come. Apologies for the delayed and massive posting.

Thanks for all the love in helping our little boy have such an amazing first year!

Great Grandma and a case of the babies

Here is Ba in a sea of babies! Her dream. Our good family friend, more like family, Bo and Eric came to visit and brought their lovely boys, Nam Huy (3) and Minh Luu (3 months) to visit. So Derek and Mercy joined in the fun too. Our families have been friends for 4 generations! Ba (pictured here) was good friends with these babies great grandma while they were neighbors in Viet Nam. Now that's some history. It was quite the hi jinks trying to get them all lined up for this photo.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rubik is next

Dek solving the music cube. Rarely does he play with all the toys that the grandmas and auntie have spoiled him with > he usually prefers the company of card board boxes and trying to find small items to choke on (e.g. marbles, pebbles, dirt bits, lint, etc.)
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Ricer boy

Proving that he is truly Asian, Dek devours a plateful of rice for dinner.